Saturday, October 8, 2016

Random 1.02 10/08/16

Rare times:

  1. I feel genuinely happy.
  2. I feel complete.
  3. I feel secured.
  4. I feel loved.
  5. I feel needed.
  6. I feel fine.
  7. I feel well rested.
  8. I feel important.
  9. I feel fulfilled.
  10. I feel … wanted.


  1. I feel sad.
  2. I am hurt.
  3. I want to cry.
  4. I want to go away.
  5. I want to be alone.
  6. I want silence.
  7. I want to feel loved.
  8. I want to be hug.
  9. I want to feel secured.
  10. I want to give in and sulk in loneliness.
  11. I want to sleep so I won’t feel sad, hurt and lonely.
  12. I feel the need to have someone where I can tell every single pain I am hiding.
  13. I think of running away and never come back.

I wish:

  1. To be happy.
  2. To be love deeply.
  3. To be accepted for whom I am really.
  4. To have more love.
  5. To be the most important person to someone.
  6. I could just be me… all the time.


  1. All this pain would be ease.
  2. I will be happy.. for real.
  3. I can runaway and I will not hesitate anymore.
  4. I will feel that I am worth to love, to cherish and to keep.
  5. I will be free from hurt
  6. There will be someone who will hold my hand and never let go of me no matter how hard it is to love me and no matter what the world will say.

Someday, I will not cry alone anymore. Because there will be someone who will cry with me when I am in pain. No matter how hard life can get, I will still be holding on to what the future will offer. It may not be now, but soon I know, everything will fall on their proper places and I will be happy. I will be free from pain and sadness.

Sobrang random ban g entry?? Wala feel ko lang talaga..


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